Thursday, October 29, 2009

False alarm

Yesterday was a great rush for me as I notice the baby was tightening in the worm and pain kicked in 15 minutes interval for 2 hours. The tightening did not release as the pain went off.

I rush myself to the hospital only to find out that baby is not ready to see the world. Ha! Ha! Then we come back after 2 hours of observation in the delivery suite.

One thing was pleased to me is Rui actually took up the role of man in the house when daddy was on his way home. He volunteered to send me to hospital when daddy was cycling and did not pick up the phone. So we two flap a cab from the street, one minute after boarding the cab, daddy called and we u turn back home. Daddy took over thereafter.

He is a sensible boy now. Mummy proud of you, Rui. Thank you.

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