Sunday, June 12, 2011


I was reading some writting in a book by Taiwanese author. so touching. It speaks out so nicely my feeling at time. so consice. so direct. so touching. the story are real story.
The description on family members relationship speak out my mind. 劉繼榮是作者的名字。寫得太棒了。每次看她的書都要預備好紙巾。都會讓我哭得唏哩嘩啦。。。。為了故事中人哭,為了跟自己的命運想似而哭。像看台灣電視劇那樣叫人淚如雨下。大哭一場後又是一條好漢。。。

Saturday, June 4, 2011

internet marketing course

i am attending a two day, sat and sunday course. Pay by me, not NYP.... S$299
It has been fruitful so far. created a new domain name, web hosting done. Tomorrow will be one more 9am to 7pm class. Tiring leh. Must done up the web design this time round. in the next three weeks must get it running. cater for nich market of current student and ex atudent. ntu, nus, smu, other poly... hand boiquet first. graduation. others pending.