Friday, October 23, 2009

38 week check up

Everything goes on well. Baby engage aleady, ready to come out to see the world anytime now. My weight is 72.3kg today, a gain of 13kg since pregnancy. Baby is 2.8kg. She was 2.2kg two weeks ago.

I requested her to come out when she is 3kg, and tomorrow Saturday, is the concert day for Rong and En, and she was requested to come out after that.

Today, I could feel a few time contraction throughout the day. No more driving for me.

Yesterday, we nearly dash to hospital as there were three consequtive contractio n of 15 minutes. After that nothing happens. As I was driving yesterday, contraction actually happens, the pain good enough to distract me from the road. I actually had to slow down, keep to left lane for that few minutes.

You can be out after tomorrow concert, OK! We all look forward to see you.

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