Monday, September 8, 2008


The coconut leaf grasshopper tough by the Sogetsu Ikebana teacher.

Here is how:

Material needed: knife or scissors, palm frond (coconut leaf)

Step 1:
Slice a coconut leaf one third from the thick end length wise to separate the leaf from the stem. Try to cut as little leaf as possible.

Fold the stem in between the leaf, leaving around 30 cm loop as shown in picture above.

Step 2:

Hold the leaf and make a loop as shown in picture above and loop it through the first stemmed loop. Pull to tighten the loop as shown on the right picture.

Repeat the looping and tightening of leaf for the other side.

Step 3:

For the second segment of the body, flip up the first side along the edge of the leaf (left figure), fold the leaf forward maintaining it parallel to the side (right figure).

Step 4:

Make a loop on the leaf and loop into the stem, then tighten the loop. Repeat for opposite side.
Repeat this procedure minimum 5 times to get the grasshopper body.
Step 5:
Fold the remaining leaf upwards, through the stem loop, tighten the stem loop by tucking in the stem from the rear.
Step 6:
Trim the antenna.
Trim the rear leaf.
Step 8:
Cut two equal length of stem, bend it so that one segment is longer then the other. Insert the legs into the body, shorter segment in front.
The End.
Happy trying....
Some useful link on YouTube, this is a bit fast.... But still useful.

Some other idea of grasshopper on the web.
Vietnamese style grasshopper in Hanoi.
Malaysian style

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